Monday, June 11, 2007

I think that I have made the decision that I will be getting the 15in MacBook Pro with the LED display and the Santa Rosa chip set. So if you all want to, feel free to donateor just click on the nifty Google ads. I mentioned it before but I am willing to be lame as well and get the thing laser engraved too if people want to advertise. I'm sure because I'm not being "original" this will get far less coverage than Leah Culver did but hey it never hurts to try right.... well maybe cus internet flamers can hurt your feelings but maybe if I get enough negative press it will be enough press in general, ooo the posibilities.

Monday, June 04, 2007

OS X 10.4 on a Clamshell iBook

Just to update anyone who reads this that doesn’t know me.

Yes you can indeed run Tiger on a 366mHz clamshell iBook with no firewire. It’s extremely easy to do too. Leave a comment if you want to know how.

Yeah it’s kinda slow on some stuff but I don’t edit high def video on it or anything. It dose really well for a seven year old machine that I picked up for $100
But for fear of getting flamed by Gizmodo readers I’d love to do a repeat of the “buy me a Mac Book" thing that Leah Culver chick did. I wouldn’t even charge half what she did and I’d still have to find some way to get the laser etching done since I don’t have a laser etcher where I work like she dose. I’d even go for just a “regular” MacBook if need be although a Pro would have more advertising real estate. Now just how to spread the word…