Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Helio vs. Other Carriers

Here is my own private cost/service comparison for Helio vs Cingular Verizon Sprint and T-mobile. The prices should be current as far as the what the websites for those carriers say.

For sake of simplicity I will compare a common Bundle Plan

What I'm looking for:

~1000 anytime mins/Nights and Weekends

Unlimited Txt/Pic messages

Unlimited Mobile Internet.

First up Helio's All-in 1000 Plan
~1000 anytime mins/Nights and Weekends: Real simple 1000 anytime mins N/W start at 9pm($85)

Unlimited Txt/Pic messages: included

Unlimited Mobile Internet:included

Totals: 1000 mins Unlimited txt pics Unlimited Web = $85+tax each month.

Lets look at what I can get from Cingular

~1000 anytime mins/Nights and Weekends
: Well right now they only have 900 or 1350 lets go with 900 that should be fine N/W starts at 9:01pm(900 mins $59.99)

Unlimited Txt/Pic messages : The most they have is 3000 I use alot of txts so that will have to do

Unlimited Mobile Internet: Unlimited Web is included with there Media Max 3000 Bundle ($39.99)

Totals: 900 mins 3000 txt/pic msgs and unlimited web =99.98+tax each month

Hmm that's a bit pricey...

How bout T-mobile?
~1000 anytime mins/Nights and Weekends:
Alright the The Get more 1000 Plus plan N/W start at 9pm ($49.99)
Unlimited Txt/Pic messages: Unlimited Txt ($14.99)

Unlimited Mobile Internet:Unlimited Eb ($5.99)

Totals:1000 mins Unlimited Txt and Unlimited Web = $70.97+tax each month.

Not bad at all on the price. But they are on the slower Edge network for internet not a huge deal but something to be aware of.

Ok Well Helio uses Sprint's Network how bout Sprint's prices?

~1000 anytime mins/Nights and Weekends: Well the fair and flexible 900 plan looks good and N/W start at 7pm :) ($59.99)

Unlimited Txt/Pic messages : Sprint Power Vision Ultimate Pack ($25)

Unlimited Mobile Internet: included in Sprint Power Vision Ultimate Pack

Totals: 900 mins $5 for each 30min over up to 1200 Unlimited Txt and Web = $84.99+tax each month (technically $104.99 if you did use 1000 mins)

Hmmm pretty much the same for cost unless you are a heavy talker. Same network so the service area would be the same. Nights and Weekends start at 7pm.

Ok well lets check out Verizon.

~1000 anytime mins/Nights and Weekends: Again with the 900 or 1350 lets go with the 900 mins N/W($59.99)

Unlimited Txt/Pic messages: Unlimited IN network messaging plus 2500 message for non verizon customers. ($25)

Unlimited Mobile Internet: Mobile Web 2.0 ($5)

Totals: 900 mins Unlimited/2500 Txt pics Unlimited Web = $89.99

T-Mobile seems to have the best pricing albeit a slower network. They do have the Sidekick too....
Sprint and Cingular all have gimicky min plans with rollovers(practically useless) and fair and flexable that can potentially cost quite a bit extra.
Verizon dose have a solid network but is rather pricey and requires large deposits unless your credit is immaculate.
Helio seems to be getting better and better slowly fixing the kinks in there network I say give them a few more months and they should be up to par as far web browsing and content with the other carriers.

All and all I see no compelling reason to switch from Helio at this point.