Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Helio vs. Other Carriers

Here is my own private cost/service comparison for Helio vs Cingular Verizon Sprint and T-mobile. The prices should be current as far as the what the websites for those carriers say.

For sake of simplicity I will compare a common Bundle Plan

What I'm looking for:

~1000 anytime mins/Nights and Weekends

Unlimited Txt/Pic messages

Unlimited Mobile Internet.

First up Helio's All-in 1000 Plan
~1000 anytime mins/Nights and Weekends: Real simple 1000 anytime mins N/W start at 9pm($85)

Unlimited Txt/Pic messages: included

Unlimited Mobile Internet:included

Totals: 1000 mins Unlimited txt pics Unlimited Web = $85+tax each month.

Lets look at what I can get from Cingular

~1000 anytime mins/Nights and Weekends
: Well right now they only have 900 or 1350 lets go with 900 that should be fine N/W starts at 9:01pm(900 mins $59.99)

Unlimited Txt/Pic messages : The most they have is 3000 I use alot of txts so that will have to do

Unlimited Mobile Internet: Unlimited Web is included with there Media Max 3000 Bundle ($39.99)

Totals: 900 mins 3000 txt/pic msgs and unlimited web =99.98+tax each month

Hmm that's a bit pricey...

How bout T-mobile?
~1000 anytime mins/Nights and Weekends:
Alright the The Get more 1000 Plus plan N/W start at 9pm ($49.99)
Unlimited Txt/Pic messages: Unlimited Txt ($14.99)

Unlimited Mobile Internet:Unlimited Eb ($5.99)

Totals:1000 mins Unlimited Txt and Unlimited Web = $70.97+tax each month.

Not bad at all on the price. But they are on the slower Edge network for internet not a huge deal but something to be aware of.

Ok Well Helio uses Sprint's Network how bout Sprint's prices?

~1000 anytime mins/Nights and Weekends: Well the fair and flexible 900 plan looks good and N/W start at 7pm :) ($59.99)

Unlimited Txt/Pic messages : Sprint Power Vision Ultimate Pack ($25)

Unlimited Mobile Internet: included in Sprint Power Vision Ultimate Pack

Totals: 900 mins $5 for each 30min over up to 1200 Unlimited Txt and Web = $84.99+tax each month (technically $104.99 if you did use 1000 mins)

Hmmm pretty much the same for cost unless you are a heavy talker. Same network so the service area would be the same. Nights and Weekends start at 7pm.

Ok well lets check out Verizon.

~1000 anytime mins/Nights and Weekends: Again with the 900 or 1350 lets go with the 900 mins N/W($59.99)

Unlimited Txt/Pic messages: Unlimited IN network messaging plus 2500 message for non verizon customers. ($25)

Unlimited Mobile Internet: Mobile Web 2.0 ($5)

Totals: 900 mins Unlimited/2500 Txt pics Unlimited Web = $89.99

T-Mobile seems to have the best pricing albeit a slower network. They do have the Sidekick too....
Sprint and Cingular all have gimicky min plans with rollovers(practically useless) and fair and flexable that can potentially cost quite a bit extra.
Verizon dose have a solid network but is rather pricey and requires large deposits unless your credit is immaculate.
Helio seems to be getting better and better slowly fixing the kinks in there network I say give them a few more months and they should be up to par as far web browsing and content with the other carriers.

All and all I see no compelling reason to switch from Helio at this point.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Cingular is pissing me off and Helio seems cooler any way

So yeah cingular decided that some how I owe them $200+ for overages but I can't access the bill online that shows these calls and I've requested the bill from them twice now. What I wanna know is how to I go from a 0 rollover min balance one month to a 2200+ roll over min balance two months later and have overage in the month inbetween... ???? something is screwy.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Ok so I don't know for sure if it was me that took this picture it could have been my dad or my wife. Anyway regaurdless of who took it that there was my son's beautiful smile for a while it has changed now like alot of things he is discovering so many new sounds and yelling them out randomly. I'm glad we have like 500+ pictures to at least record all the physical changes.... ah children

Yes my son is hillarious and VERY photogenic. He is the biggest camera ham that I know. All I have to do is pull out my cellphone to make a call and he thinks that its time to have his picture taken. That's right he is only just over a year old and already knows that the cellphone has a camera on it.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

La La La.... here at work kinda board reading through some posts on always something interesting going on there. People don't seem to understand logic or the art of debate very well though.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hmmm I think I like Blogger....

Xanga is ok and MySpace is way popular but Blogger is still the easiest to use of all three. I am a photographer so I will post some of my work up here for all to see soon.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Testing out the Blogger Widget cus OsX owns on Windows hardcore